Space Nerd Records
Space nerd is a newly‑formed independent record label, based out of Washington, DC and built on the DoFR co‑op model/blueprint:
Space Nerd is run by a board comprised of artist‑members (artists actively signed to the label). All major decisions (such as new signings) are made by the board on a consensus basis, while day‑to‑day operations are carried out by paid individuals and volunteers who are accountable to the artist board.
Non-Profit Motive
100% of label profits will be reinvested back into the artists, their releases, and the community. While most small labels already operate like this in good faith, this commitment is baked into our artist agreements.
Financial statements, including a list of all label/artist revenue and costs, will be made publicly available via our website, on a monthly basis. We will also publish and update our Articles of Organization and Operating Agreement at a later date.
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